
COOLA BB+ Cream Tinted Sunscreen Review

This BB cream provides a dewy finish and doubles as a tinted sunscreen. But keep in mind that it doesn't provide full protection against UVA rays.

What do you think of when you picture California? When I was a kid in Maryland, I told my classmates that my family was moving to California, and they were in awe. They said that people in California only ate yogurt, so I should prepare myself for a drastic change in my diet. And they told me that the people were all golden tan there. They probably got this information from movies and books—after all, before I moved to the West Coast, I thought that all Californians were like Dawn from The…

Drunk Elephant Umbra Tinte Sunscreen Review

Plus, a few skincare regimen tips I learned from Sephora's free 15-minute mini-facial.

I was recently lured into getting one of Sephora’s 15-minute mini facials. My inner frugal Asian lady is generally pretty suspicious of “free” treatments, but my facialist didn’t pressure me into buying anything that day—and she actually recommended something that I already own, thanks to the Sephora Sun Safety Kit: Drunk Elephant Umbra Tinte Sunscreen. Plus, I also picked up a few bonus skincare regimen tips from her.