When I feel stressed out and/or it’s that time of the month, I’m approximately 15837% more likely to see a big, fat pimple pop up somewhere on my face. Though Differin has helped reduce my acne a lot, it still isn’t 100% effective at preventing those angry pimples (usually whiteheads) from showing up every now and then. Usually I just fight the urge to pop the pimple (the acne scars on my face don’t need more company), and hope it will subside on its own as quickly as…
My fiance has a pretty big crop of blackheads on his nose. One day I bought him a pack of Biore blackhead strips as a joke, but he actually ended up liking them. It feels detoxifying to peel off the strip and see a bunch of black stuff on the strip, meaning that it’s no longer hanging out in your pores. During our last vacation in Japan, we bought the Japanese version of the Biore blackhead strips, just to compare them with the ones we usually get.
If you have acne, you’ve probably heard about the Stridex pads I’m writing about today. These pads are easy to use, pretty cheap, and they claim to be “easy on skin, tough on acne.” This last point is easier said than done. Although acne is a serious problem, acne treatments can sometimes do more harm than good. The FDA has received a number of complaints from consumers who experienced allergic reactions and/or irritation in response to acne products that included benzoyl…