
Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion review

This baby lotion is very effective for mild eczema, as long as you don't have an allergy to oats.

Before I had a baby, I imagined that babies had perfect skin. Isn’t that why there’s that expression, “smooth as a baby’s bottom?” But it turns out that babies deal with a ton of skin issues. Some of them are mostly cosmetic (like baby acne and cradle cap), but others require treatment (like eczema).

Pipette Baby Balm review: Better than plain ol' Vaseline for very dry skin or eczema

Yet again, a baby product comes to the rescue for this adult's eczema flareups.

I never quite know what’s going to trigger an eczema flareup, but I do know that treating the early signs of a flareup makes a huge difference for me. Whenever I start getting small cracks in my hands, I know I can’t just follow my regular regimen (slathering on Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion at night and rarely moisturizing throughout the day) and expect things to miraculously get better. I need to up my game so that my skin doesn’t start to freak out.

New-Skin Liquid Bandage review: A great way to heal cracked, severely dry skin

If you have cracked skin (due to dryness, eczema, or just a cut/scrape), this liquid bandage could be the fastest, most convenient way to help those cracks heal.

Anyone who’s had hand eczema will understand right away when I say that, if you have severely dry skin, it inevitably starts to crack, and then it starts to bleed. Slapping a bandage over the crack (after applying a moisturizer like Vaseline) can help it heal, but there are a few problems with bandages (which I’ll get into later on in this post). But one day, I finally discovered a wonderful alternative: liquid bandages! Specifically, New-Skin Liquid Bandage, which already includes…