
Origins Super Spot Remover Review: A whitehead pimple's worst enemy

This spot treatment is a great way to fight a pimple as it's coming on. But some of the ingredients may be a bit harsh for sensitive skin.

When I feel stressed out and/or it’s that time of the month, I’m approximately 15837% more likely to see a big, fat pimple pop up somewhere on my face. Though Differin has helped reduce my acne a lot, it still isn’t 100% effective at preventing those angry pimples (usually whiteheads) from showing up every now and then. Usually I just fight the urge to pop the pimple (the acne scars on my face don’t need more company), and hope it will subside on its own as quickly as…

Origins GinZing Gel Moisturizer Review

This gel moisturizer is lightweight and great for oily skin like mine. I love using it in the morning under sunscreen.

Origins GinZing Gel Moisturizer was included in the Origins bestseller gift set I received as a Christmas present. It’s pretty similar to the Origins’s GinZing Eye Cream that I reviewed a few months ago, but more citrusy and “zing”-y, if that makes sense. If you love the smell of oranges, you’ll love this moisturizer. And if you have oily, acne-prone skin, this is a great gel moisturizer to incorporate into your routine.

Fleur & Bee Eyes Eyes Baby Eye Cream review

This eye cream contains peptides for anti-aging benefits, as well as moisturizing ingredients like oils and extracts. Plus, anti-aging advice from my dad.

I don’t usually buy eye creams, but they are a “nice to have” that I’ll check out from time to time. That means, if someone gifts an eye cream to me, I’ll give it a try and use it whenever I feel like my under-eye area is in need of a bit of brightening. This Eyes Eyes Baby Eye Cream was one of three products gifted to me by the newly launched skin care brand, Fleur & Bee.