
Freeman Apple Cider Vinegar Mask Review

This product doubles as a face mask and a scrub, but I like to use it as a mask.

When I was at Ricky’s the other day, a store associate happened to be passing by while I was studying the ingredients label of the Freeman mask. She said, “Not gonna lieā€”that mask is awesome.” Something about the way she said it made me believe her (or maybe I just wanted to buy something). Anyway, I ended up purchasing it and using it that very night. Yes, I’m heavily swayed by in-person recommendations from strangers (at least when they appear to be genuine). Today,…

What is methylisothiazolinone? And methylchloroisothiazolinone?

This potentially irritating preservative is included in many personal care products, even those marketed to babies and those with sensitive skin.

Preservatives are necessary ingredients in personal care products. Would you want to find mold thriving in your face cleanser (or in anything else you’re applying directly to your skin)? Even so, it’s probably still better to ensure that your skincare and beauty products don’t contain preservatives that are likely to irritate your skin. I didn’t even know that some ingredients were only permitted in “rinse-off” products (like shampoos), until I asked my dad…

Freeman Face Mask Review: Treat yo'self without going broke

These 10-minute face masks provide a relaxing at-home spa experience (without the accompanying $$$ price tag).

Like Trader Joe’s specialty snacks, face masks are inexpensive little purchases that can quickly add up and leave your wallet empty and sad. But there’s just something so luxurious about applying a mask to your face and then rinsing (or peeling) it off. Your skin feels so refreshed after it’s over. I recently discovered Freeman Beauty, a company that creates various types of face masks that are designed to address various skin-related woes. Today, I’m reviewing two masks…