Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema review: An effective, mess-free way to calm flareups

This dry skin salve significantly helped soothe my most recent eczema flareup—and it's conveniently packaged in stick form for mess-free application.

As someone who’s always had hand eczema, I can’t imagine life without it. It gets worse during periods of stress or when I’m living in a place with a dry climate. It gets better when I’m taking care of myself and living in a more humid environment. But it’s always there, lurking in the background. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that a few intermediary measures can go a long way in keeping flareups at bay. For instance, it’s usually worth it to apply hand lotion every single time after you wash your hands. This was particularly hard in a post-COVID world where I started washing my hands more frequently than before. Sometimes you just don’t want to go through the extra step of applying lotion on after you’ve finished washing your hands. But I’ve learned that if I don’t take the time to do it, I’ll regret it later. A little laziness now will result in a rude awakening later.

Basically this is a long-winded way of saying that I recently had an eczema flareup that probably could have been avoided if I had been more disciplined about moisturizing my hands throughout the day. But you live and learn, right? Thankfully, I happened to have a tube of Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema laying around because I bought it on one of my pre-COVID TJ Maxx trips. I had a surprisingly great experience, so I wanted to share how much it helped me with my flareup, in hopes that it could help anyone else who is also trying to battle an eczema flareup, particularly now that we live in a world where we’re constantly washing and sanitizing our hands.

Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema review hand eczema treatment

Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema ingredients

My Dad the Chemist’s review of Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema

Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema review

I was initially attracted to Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema because of its promise to help heal dry skin and eczema. I’m happy to say that it worked pretty well for me, though it’s not a perfect product. For one thing, it has a very oily consistency—which shouldn’t be surprising, considering that it’s mostly made up of different types of oils. However, I like that it’s packaged as a stick, since it makes it really easy to apply to specific problem areas without having to use your fingers.

Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema review hand eczema treatment

This is a definite plus in my book because I hate leaving a trail of greasy fingerprints on everything I touch. The tube packaging provides mess-free application, which makes me more likely to use it regularly throughout the day, which ultimately helped promote healing.

Here’s a picture of what my hand looked like when it was at its itchiest:

Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema review for hand eczema

After using Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema for a few days, here’s what my hand looked like:

Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema review for hand eczema after healing

It’s a little hard to tell from the picture alone, but that angry patch—the one between my thumb and index finger—felt a lot calmer and less itchy. I was amazed by how quickly it worked, actually. I applied it throughout the day, but also slathered on an extra thick layer at night before bed. I covered that layer with thin, breathable cotton gloves (like these to avoid getting oil all over my sheets. It smells great, too. Not sure if there’s a particular ingredient in there that dominates the smell, or if it’s just the result of everything combined.

This product actually reminds me quite a bit of Moon Valley Organics EczaCalm, as both products are made with natural and organic ingredients, including vitamin E, beeswax, and calendula. However, whereas EczaCalm had a safflower oil base, Green Goo Dry Skin Salve for Eczema uses olive oil, sunflower seed oil and jojoba seed oil.

One potential con is that it contains a few types of extracts that might be irritating to some people. It didn’t irritate my skin, but you might want to patch test it just in case you happen to react poorly to any of the ingredients in this formula.

I’m happy to recommend this product to anyone who has hand eczema—particularly if you can find it in tube form like I did at TJ Maxx. For some reason, I can only find it in jar form on Amazon, but maybe it’s still being manufactured and sold in tube form somewhere.

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