aloe vera

Shea Moisture Fragrance-Free Shampoo and Body Wash review

This shampoo-body-wash combo includes great ingredients like aloe vera and shea butter—and it smells pretty good even though it's completely fragrance-free.

My mom rarely buys anything at full price—not just because she enjoys saving money, but also because she loves the experience of hunting for a good bargain. I’m not sure if it’s a case of nature or nurture, but I definitely caught that bargain hunting bug. That’s why I love shopping at TJ Maxx. I’ve slowly been picking through my TJ Maxx stockpile, and I finally got around to trying Shea Moisture Fragrance-Free Shampoo and Body Wash recently. It turned out to be a real…

Softsoap Soothing Aloe Vera Hand Soap review

This soap strangely contains red and yellow dyes, though it is a milky white color. It also contains mild fragrance.

Hand soap is a highly competitive product category. Product labels have to be eye-catching and full of buzzwords like “soothing,” “advanced,” “foaming”, “natural,” you name it. But as consumers, we have the power to look past the marketing—simply by turning the package over and reading the ingredient list. If a product label says “soothing,” you might logically assume that it is designed for people who are concerned about skin…

Pixi Glow Peel Pads review

Use these glycolic peel pads a few nights a week to get a really good glow going.

Who doesn’t want glowy skin all the time? I don’t think my skin ever “glows,” but I have noticed some pretty great results from using Pixi Glow Peel Pads over the past few months. I’ve been really impressed by this product, and I love that it’s fragrance-free and easy to use. I’ve written about other glycolic peel pads in the past, but I think this is my favorite one so far.