
CeraVe Renewing SA Cleanser Review

This gentle cleanser exfoliates skin with salicylic acid, and includes ceramides, niacinamide, and other ingredients that help enhance your skin.

Lately I’ve come to realize that salicylic acid is an underrated over-the-counter ingredient. For a long time, I only associated salicylic acid with acne face washes, spot treatments, and the like. But it’s actually a very versatile skin care ingredient that helps people who have psoriasis and keratosis pilaris (“rough and bumpy” skin). And it’s classified as a beta hydroxy acid, aka a chemical exfoliant that helps improve the texture of skin and fine lines, without…

Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask review

If your skin is dry or irritated, give it the chance to drink up this smoothie-like mask of soothing, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Every year, after the holiday season has come and gone, I’m left with the unsettling realization that we still have several months of cold weather ahead. Thankfully, we have Christmas (and in my case, birthday) presents to comfort us until spring finally decides to show up. I received an Origins bestsellers gift set from a dear friend of mine, and I’ve been slowly working my way through it—so look out for more Origins product reviews to come! Today’s post will focus on the…

COSRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid Review

What puts the power in this 'power liquid'? Plus, a bit of a refresher on BHAs and their role in skincare.

My mom enjoys Korean dramas, Sudoku puzzles, and extracting blackheads. That’s right, those annoying little black dots that appear when your pores get clogged but stay open. When I was a teenager, I had acne on my back (“bacne”), so my mom used to beg me to let her squeeze out my blackheads. She was excited for me when I got into college, she was happy when I made her favorite scones, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her more delighted than when I grudgingly agreed…